Four Tips for Customising Your Residential Aluminium Windows to Achieve Excellent Performance

Aluminium windows are suitable for residential homes because of their sturdiness and resilience to inclement weather. Unlike timber windows that rot and warp over time, aluminium maintains its structural integrity for many years. Furthermore, you can customise aluminium windows to meet your needs, such as easy access, convenience and energy efficiency. Check out these tips for customising your aluminium windows to achieve excellent performance. 

Match the windows to the architecture of your home

At a glance, aluminium metal appears as if it wouldn't work well with older architectural styles such as Victorian and Queenslander. However, this isn't true. You can customise your windows' designs, colours and finishes to create design harmony throughout the structure. For example, if your home is Victorian, you can opt for double-hung or casement aluminium windows. 

Conversely, if your home features a contemporary style, opt for sliding, picture or awning windows. You can choose custom finishes to mimic natural materials such as brick or timber. A wood-grain finish will give your windows a natural look and feel, while a glossy finish will give them a contemporary look. 

Consider the ease of use of the windows

When selecting a window design, you should consider household occupants with mobility limitations, such as the elderly. If you have an elderly loved one in your home, install windows that are easy to open and close. Below are some design options to consider: 

  • Single-hung windows: The bottom window sash can be opened without reaching high up the window.
  • Sliding windows: Sliding windows are easy to open as they slide horizontally along the window frame.
  • Casement windows: Casement windows open with a crank handle. Therefore, the elderly can operate the windows easily. 

Invest in high-quality and easy-to-use window hardware. You can also install an automatic opener that operates the window using a switch or a remote device. 

Choose thermally broken aluminium

Aluminium is a good conductor of heat; therefore, it can negatively impact your home's energy efficiency. However, modern aluminium windows are thermally broken. A thermal break is a plastic or composite barrier installed in the frame to separate the interior and exterior sections of the frame. A thermally broken aluminium frame prevents heat transfer between the home and the outdoors, thereby lowering the home's heating and cooling load. 

Invest in quality and efficient window glazing

Opt for high-quality and efficient window glazing to increase your home's energy efficiency and extend the lifespan of your new windows. Double-glazed glass is an excellent choice as it contains two layers of glazing sandwiched together. The glass is sturdy and does not shatter into large shards on impact. You can install solar film or security tint to keep out solar heat and increase your home's privacy. 

Consider the above tips when installing aluminium windows in your home. Contact a professional contractor for installation services.
