Glass Splash Backs Cleaning Tips

Glass splash backs are a great way to offer the necessary protection to your kitchen or bathroom walls. Apart from offering the needed protection, they also add to the aesthetics thanks to their beautiful finish. This makes splash backs a crucial part of any kitchen, bathroom, or room where the wall needs to be protected from moisture and dirt. Glass splash backs need to be well taken care of if you want to retain the beautiful finish. Here are a few maintenance and cleaning tips to help you take care of your splash backs.

Pick the Correct Cleaning Cloth

The best type of cloth to use when cleaning splash backs is a cloth made of soft materials. Abrasive materials like steel or plastic scourers will leave ugly scratches and result in permanent damage of its surfaces. Ensure that you only use lint-free cloth or materials such as paper towels when cleaning dirt and spills. In addition, use a different dry cloth after cleaning—this helps you achieve a streak-free finish.

Use Gentle Cleaning Agents

Avoid any harsh cleaning solutions or chemicals. Just like abrasive cleaning materials like scourers, harsh chemicals can also cause irreversible damage to splash back surfaces. Stick to gentle cleaning agents like glass cleaner, all-purpose cleaner and any special cleaning solutions approved by your splash back supplier.

Clean Splashes and Spills Immediately After They Occur

Although glass splash backs are usually very resilient to most common stains, cleaning spills and splashes immediately after they occur minimises the risk of acquiring any permanent stains. As a golden rule, nearly all common stains are easier to deal with when fresh. In addition, maintain a regular cleaning schedule. This also helps you avoid leaving accumulated dirt on the splash backs for long periods. A regular cleaning schedule is a good way to ensure the surface looks great at all times, while at the same time eliminating any possibility of acquiring permanent stains.

Avoid cleaning in direct sunlight

Cleaning glass splash backs in the kitchen or bathroom becomes harder in the presence of direct sunlight. If you have sunlight coming in through the windows directly onto the splash back, the heat will dry off your cleaning agents prematurely. This makes the buffing process harder, and leaves streaks on the glass surfaces. In case you have direct sunlight coming in through the windows, change your cleaning schedule to times when the sun is at a different position.
